Hello and hoe gaat het everyone, This week has been pretty relaxed, we had a couple cool things happen though and I'll say overall that it's been a pretty good week! The baptism of 'O' and 'V' had to be pushed back a bit since they weren't able to make it to church yesterday. It was the first time in a while they hadn't been and so we're going to go by tonight or tomorrow to see what happened. Hopefully they just had trouble catching a ride or something and it won't be an issue. we have also been plagued with a couple of bike problems but we're keeping morale at an all time high nonetheless. We did a little bit of contacting and met some pretty interesting people, a muslim pastor kept us talking with him for about a half hour until someone walked by and told us who he was. Hahah he kept trying to convince us that EVERYONE is right, and that I should be happy because we will all be saved. It was a pretty funny conversation because normally I'm the one bringing the good news, but I felt like I was the guy bringing him down when he tries to use a philosophy like that. I could tell he didn't like me killing his vibe. But it was a good time all around and we met a few nice people who seemed happy to let us come back another time and so we'll try to follow up with them soon! Everyone in Suriname is talking about a storm that just went through, I heard claims that there was actually a small tornado for about 15 minutes! hahah with the way these people exaggerate their stories sometimes I can't give you any promises as to the truth of that but it's the most exciting news they have hear at the moment so it seems like everyones talking about it! A huge tree even fell on someone, and while biking around yesterday we actually found it! It was massive and I have no idea if the poor guy survived it or not, but it was pretty crazy. I've also noticed I see A LOT more car crashes, these people drive crazy, I'd say I see the aftermath of one about once every two weeks, and I've already seen two happen while I was there! Hahah it's a jungle out here in just about every applicable sense you can think of. Anyways, not to worry I'm still set in survival mode so fingers crossed I'll make it back home alive. I miss you guys and thank you so much for your continued support you're the best!
Elder Carpenter