Oh man what a crazy week, I guess I'll just try to start off on a
positive note and say that i've done it! I've successfully managed to
contract both of Suriname's indigenous jungle viruses. Denghue Fever
struck me pretty hard this week and I've had it since Wednesday
afternoon. The symptoms were flu like for the most part and left me
mostly too tired to leave my bed. Needless to say it was not the BEST
of weeks out here but I survived and I'm recovering quite well at this
point. Today's the first day that I haven't had a headache and so I'm
feeling substantially better. Luckily I got well enough just in time
to go on one of our cooler pday activities today, which was golf!
Hahah we went to Paramaribo's golf club with all the elders from south
zone and had a great time, It was definitely a good turnaround from
such a tough week. I played surprisingly well for not having held a
club in so long. I could still drive all right but the rest of my game
was out of the question. All of the missionaries there had a sweet
time though and the place was beautiful! That's pretty much all that
happened this week due to me being sick :( But fear not I think that
by tomorrow everything will be business as usual again, we had 3
investigators in church which was awesome! Some of them are
progressing really well and I'm hoping that we can put some of them on
date this week. Love you all and have a great week!
Especially my littlest sister Sydney who is turning 13!! Crazy!!
Elder Carpenter